To view our most commonly asked questions, please place the product code that you wish to learn more information about in the search box provided below, or alternatively search all FAQs relating to a keyword.


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  • What types of anchors are available for sports halls?

    There are 3 different anchorage products for sports halls. Floor Sockets, Sports Hall Anchors and Wall fixed sportshall anchor.

  • When did this goal change to 3G?

    The 3G goals became 3G on 01/02/2009. 3G refers to the goal being the 3rd generation of portagoals manufactured by Harrod UK.

  • Which code do I need to order the spare nets for the NBL-014 netball posts?

    Ordering the product code NBL-001 will provide the standard Green and Orange pair of nets. However, should you wish to replace all posts with white nets you could order the product code NBL-009 instead.

  • Which netball posts are most suitable for key stage 2 children practising for High 5 competitions?

    Our wheel away netball posts (NBL-014) are suitable for key stage 2 children as they can be kept outside and easily moved into position as and when required.

  • Which team shelters can the Name Boards (SHE-084) be used with?

    The Name Boards can be used with all curved team shelters - Premier Curved Team Shelters, Superior London 2012 Shelters and Elite Team Shelters

  • Why should I buy Aluminium goals?

    This material is lighter in weight and easily portable, but still very strong. Rust free.

  • Why should I buy Steel goals?

    Heavy duty, hard wearing. Ideal for unsupervised areas.

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